Have you benefited from being part of the DiS community? Help us out this Giving Tuesday!

Sometimes when you work at something for awhile, you don’t realize that you’re having an impact. Over the past few months, we’ve had a few people reach out to us with some thoughts to let us know that what we’re working on is helping out this community we’ve built, of almost 2,200 people:

 As we’ve reached over 2 years of existence at Diversity in Sustainability, we wanted to thank you for being a part of our community and sharing the opportunities you’ve seen. We have met hundreds of you and are always floored by the skills and lived experience that people bring and share. As part of building a fledgling new non-profit, it’s nice to hear things like:

 But, we wanted to let you in on a secret. Diversity in Sustainability takes a great of mental and emotional labour. We’ve relied on thousands of volunteer hours from myself, Marie Jurcevic, Michael Harvey, as well as Oke Isaac-Onwah, and with the guidance of our 14-member Advisory Panel. We aim to pay our interns a living wage while also gaining meaningful work experience. While we’ve had a few donations and sponsors and some government funding, the organization mainly runs on personal funds from several of the co-founders.

 For Giving Tuesday, as we move from a seed to a sapling, if you have benefited from being a part of the Diversity in Sustainability community, please consider:

  1. Donating funds to us via Paypal or if you’re in Canada, via Interac e-transfer at info@diversityinsustainability.com to keep us running, to help us expand our programming and reach, and to hire a full-time resource to take the network even further.

  2. Support and participate in our upcoming Inclusion Blueprint Dialogues.

  3. Spread the word about our Google Group to connect, learn, and get access to opportunities.

  4. Volunteer with us! Send us an email at info@diversityinsustainability.com for more details.

  5. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

  6. Spread the word about our organization!


Thank you for your consideration!


Heather Mak, Marie Jurcevic and Michael Harvey




*Please note, we are not a charity, and cannot issue tax receipts. While we hope to obtain charitable status one day, it is something we must weigh carefully as a small organization that is focused on equity-seeking communities. 


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